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Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota offers two APIs so you can build applications for our members.
- The Patient Access API lets Blue Cross members access claims, drug formularies and a set of clinical data. This API is secured by SMART on FHIR. To continue, you’ll need to create a developer account.
- The Provider Directory API lets Blue Cross members access our provider directory. There is no security required to access this API.
Getting Started
The SMART App Launch Framework connects third-party applications to the Patient Access API. it is based on the OAuth 2.0 specification and the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 Standard.
Currently the Blue Cross FHIR authorization server supports the standard OAuth 2.0 and OIDC web application authorization flow. It does not support the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) authorization flow.
If your application is dependent on a PKCE authorization flow, please reach out to us and we will prioritize it.
After registering your application, you will get a client ID and client secret (keep this secured).
We have provided a link to our well-known endpoint, which details the authorization server's capabilities. Keep in mind our developer sandbox and our production environments each have their own FHIR authorization server.
How it Works
- Using your application, a Blue Cross member will want to authorize and consent to your application as a valid recipient of their highly confidential healthcare information.
- Your application will send a request to the Blue Cross FHIR authorization server asking for authorization.
- The Blue Cross FHIR authorization server will redirect the Blue Cross member to a login page where they will authenticate themselves and consent to allowing your application access to their highly confidential healthcare information.
- After authorization and consent is completed, the Blue Cross FHIR authorization server will redirect back to your application (at the redirect URI you provided during registration of your application). The authorization code will be included in the query parameters.
- Your application will then use the authorization code (and your client secret) to ask for an access token (JWT).
- Once you have the access token you will include it on all FHIR requests made on behalf of the Blue Cross member. The access token will appear in the request header as an authentication bearer token.
The Supported Scopes
Scope | Grant |
openid | Permission to retrieve information about the current logged-in user |
profile | Permission to retrieve information about the current logged-in user |
fhirUser | Permission to retrieve information about the current logged-in user |
launch/patient | When launching outside the EHR, ask for a patient to be selected at launch time |
patient/*.read | Permission to read any resource for the current patient |
offline_access | Request a refresh_token that can be used to get a new access token to replace an expired one, even after the end-user no longer is online after the access token expires |
The Supported Capabilities
launch-standalone | support for SMART’s Standalone Launch mode |
client-confidential-symmetric | support for SMART’s confidential client profile (symmetric client secret authentication) |
sso-openid-connect | support for SMART’s OpenID Connect profile |
context-standalone-patient | support for patient-level launch context (requested by launch/patient scope, conveyed via patient token parameter) |
permission-offline | support for refresh tokens (requested by offline_access scope) |
permission-patient | support for patient-level scopes (for example, patient/ |
Putting this Together
- Your application will send a request to the BCBS-MN FHIR authorization server asking for authorization.
Application Request GET*.read%20offline_access%20fhirUser%20openid&redirect_uri=http://YOUR_HOST:3000/redirect/callback&aud=
In this example, your application is asking the BCBS FHIR authorization server for several things:response_type=code an authorization code redirect_uri the location where the authorization code should be delivered. This must match a location you specified when registering your application. scope=launch/patient a patient context patient/*.read and the ability to read all the patient's information fhirUser%20openid your application wants to know who is using the application, it may not be the patient - The BCBS-MN FHIR authorization server will re-direct the BCBS-MN customer to a login page where they will authenticate themselves and consent to allowing your application access to their highly confidential healthcare information.
Once here several other pages and redirects may occur, your application should not care. - Upon successful completion of the authorization and consent, the BCBS-MN FHIR authorization server will redirect back to your application (at the redirect URI you provided during registration of your application). The authorization code will be included in the query parameters.
URL http://YOUR_HOST:3000/redirect/callback?code=XFeKf40Xqao9EXTlde5uyWo1H_pQ&state=dev
code the authorization code you requested - Your application will then use the authorization code (and your Client Secret) to ask for an Access Token (JWT).
Header authorization: Basic base64(YOUR_CLIENT_ID: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET) <basic-auth> content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Data code: XFeKf40Xqao9EXTlde5uyWo1H_pQ grant_type: redirect_url
Response { "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJOc3JibVd0MkZ0bDBHUzQxUWdSNUhsMW1tV2Z6ZzI0RldrMzJPZXQ1c0ZZIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ2ZXIiOjEsImp0aSI6IkFULkY4WlpmNG14d2Jtck5xVHllcTV3X3B0a0xDdH1uMy5va3RhcHJldmlldy5jb20vb2F1dGgyL2F1c2dkcmEycW5JMjZjMGtNMWQ2IiwiYXVkIjoiYXBpOi8vZGVMyOC1IIiwidmFsaWRfY29uc2VudCI6InRydWUifQ.n1IZao3S6GFLv_vYD5oWiFpKida4E7BPkfTPzeFx2GJEKwVMAGUr2US95EZZvwvg21j0YaJjCpA2j2059u1J75qHfsiR6sIdfdFHMMX-ANTrzWe5JW4Gnzs9PqrAk4RDjEvN45TYPx1fvEg2dDAisOh20-fO-tgdmyXOdziq-JH_S66tglPkWi8-SCBGlDouLRzQZIsJG5AzzgTyPuavkYNVhQJ1OqXupQ-pzmXGO7xu8MnHS-Rl2drhuVpgW35WSv_7mARkCsnvUgWqZ_xWX8Hpk_81RsIb0vQBbisJ1hI1-acn6DYniH1r-TPwCIakuwSsRkd4HWzJlIdrjKkojA", "scope": "fhirUser offline_access openid launch/patient patient/*.read", "refresh_token": "S1i4NPghcmqbvgA-oKUnI6KWOc", "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJOc3JibVd0MkZ0bDBHUzQxUWdSNUhsMW1tV2Z6ZzI0RldrMzJPZXQ1c0ZZIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiIwMHVxdjd5NjBMbUFRYXBJYTFkNiIsInZlciI6MSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHMRKRfZk21RRHPlm_gYWGZT0nU170kPsmgTZT2UOAnvPbwoCPQdwY2mESKRJQ9DvBvP4Kaxxzt2cNeLVfFNoF7MSEEb6AdDZupT_SURHpY8wzrvpGKPYD99HUbjbIbuBsWF_70orz5zLv_DKbIMie7ND_TJ5dNLqw5QYW3S71W5JSLpBmhBh6kfqo1i6B5lEaGpi6y9BsuD1vAPes2a24acj4S0G_XGnLHBSYSvpXUcRXPaRddwNxYYY2IcJ4tO9zg8JT0VIjDCcKc57TfC0_h0A", "patient": "BCBSMN-11328-H" }
token_type the type of token access_token the token itself expires_in when the token expires scope the scopes your application was granted, these may or may not match the scopes you requested refresh_token in this example your application requested and was granted a refresh token id_token in this example your application requested and was granted an openid token identifying the user using your application patient in this example your application requested a patient context, it is provided by the FHIR ID of the patient - Once you have the Access Token you will include it on all FHIR requests made on behalf of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota customer. The Access Token will be presented in the request header as an authentication bearer token.
Header authorization: Bearer {The_Access_Token}
Users You Can Use to Test
The following two users are set up for testing.
User | Password | Type |
MNDEPT1234 | Minnesota@12345 | Medicare |
PASSWORDMN123 | Minnesota@123 | Medicare |